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Organizations, businesses and people need good leaders.  We are living in a time where we are learning this in some not-so-painless circumstances.  After 30 years of leading (in my own and other's businesses and organizations) and now coaching other leaders, I see the need for good leadership like never before.


The reason I started Boots on the Ground Coaching over 10 years ago was that I saw many people in positions of leadership who needed access to some different tools and skills to become truly good leaders.  The tools I bring are not from a textbook in a classroom, but from the classroom of life, where real leadership happens.   

I have spent thousands of hours learning about leadership from high quality courses, books and other leaders, and then many more hours in applying these tools before bringing them into use for coaching others in leadership.  Many of my clients have been, and still are, leaders in the trades so what I teach HAS to be ProfessionalPractical, and Personal or they would never listen to any of it.

When you pick up one of my books, participate in an online course, or meet me live, my goal is that I will pass some of these tools onto you in a way where it feels like we've been friends sitting over a cup of coffee and talking - not like a lecture where the toughest part was keeping your eyes open.

It is truly a privilege to be able to invest in the lives and leadership of men and women who are leading the current generations and will also lead the generations coming after us!  The impact and influence you have as a leader is a tremendous gift - so please continue to invest in yourself and the tools you use to lead today and in the future.  You and the people you lead deserve it. 


See you soon!  Todd

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